Vous êtes un couple, vous menez deux carrières de front et vous souhaitez concilier vie professionnelle et vie privée?

Carrière puissance 2 vous accompagne dans vos démarches
d’intégration professionelle.

Cooperation project with the universities of Latin Switzerland.
Projet de coopération des bureaux de l’égalité des universités de Suisse latine.



If your partner has recently been recruited in a university in the French or Italian-speaking part of Switzerland and you are living as a couple or a family, Career2 can help your partner in his or her professional integration process.

The dual career environment

The Career² initiative was launched in 2008 at the instigation of the Federal Equal Opportunities Programme (module 3). The project is the result of a close collaboration between the universities of French and Italian-speaking Switzerland. The aim is to make it easier to reconcile an academic career with a family, as more and more university women are living in a “tandem couple” – a couple where both members are pursuing high-level professional careers.

Switzerland is internationally renowned for its excellence in the field of research and teaching. In a highly-competitive global market, and in a context of increased academic staff mobility, the country has to facilitate professional opportunities for mobile couples, so that partners are not disadvantaged in their careers paths. The effectiveness of dual career support programmes can make a difference in recruitment procedures when it comes to attracting the best researchers – it’s a new challenge for university institutions.

What is Career² ?

The Career2 initiative was launched in 2008 with the Federal Equal Opportunities Programme (module 3). The project is the result of a close collaboration between the universities of French and Italian-speaking Switzerland. The aim is to make it easier to reconcile an academic career with a family, as more and more university women are living in a “tandem couple” – a couple where both members are pursuing high-level professional careers.

SUC Programme 2013-2016 P-4: “Equal opportunities at Swiss universities / Gender Studies”

All these measures to encourage dual careers in French and Italian-speaking Switzerland are supported by the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS).


La Suisse compte 10 universités, 2 Ecoles polytechniques fédérales (Lausanne-EPFL et Zurich-ETH) ainsi que 7 Hautes Ecoles spécialisées (HES) organisées en réseau (HES-SO pour la Suisse occidentale). Ces dernières dispensent un enseignement de niveau universitaire axé sur la pratique dans les domaines de la technique, de l’administration, de l’agronomie, des arts appliqués, de la santé, du social et de l’éducation.

Les 5 universités de Suisse romande et du Tessin (Genève, Lausanne, Fribourg, Neuchâtel et Lugano) accueillent des étudiant-e-s d’horizons très divers donnant à leurs enseignements un éclairage multiculturel.

Quelques chiffres :

Fondation de droit privé, le Fonds national suisse (FNS) est la principale institution d’encouragement de la recherche scientifique en Suisse. Les pôles de recherche nationaux (PRN) font partie de sa politique d’encouragement. 6 sont actuellement en cours en Suisse romande. Les PRN se caractérisent par trois aspects principaux : une recherche d’excellente qualité et internationalement reconnue, un effort particulier dans le transfert de savoir et de technologie ainsi qu’un accent sur la formation et l’encouragement des femmes.

Liens utiles

Careers in the academic sector

Switzerland is internationally renowned for its excellence in the field of research and teaching. In a highly-competitive global market, and in a context of increased academic staff mobility, the country has to facilitate professional opportunities for mobile couples, so that partners are not disadvantaged in their careers paths. The effectiveness of dual career support programmes can make a difference in recruitment procedures when it comes to attracting the best researchers – it’s a new challenge for university institutions.

The Career2 initiative aims at creating synergies with other public and private projects that promote highly skilled employees mobility. The aim is also to support best practices, especially in the area of recruitment procedures that take into account the needs of both partners who wish to pursue their career.

Useful links

ETH Welcome Center career page
ETH Application guide
Young academics
Forum for young academics
Academia Net
Fondation WISH de l’EPFL
Teljob Academic job centre
My Science
SNSF careers (general information)
Glassdoor ( in French only)


Republic of Innovation

Network of Swiss universities and universities of applied sciences and arts

Swiss universities
EPFL : École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Universities in French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland that partner with the Career2 programme

University of Geneva
University of Lausanne
University of Fribourg
University of Neuchâtel
Università della Svizzera italiana
CUSO Conférence des Universités de Suisse occidentale (in French only)
CRUS : Conférence des Recteurs des universités suisses (in German or French)

Universities of applied sciences and arts

University of Apllied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland

Research Centres

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Aramis database on the Swiss Confederation’s research projects
SNSF Programmes
InnoSuisse Swiss Innovation Agency
My Science
Genetic research (in French only)
Western Switzerland Micro-nanotech Cluster


BNF – National qualification programme
BRIDGE – SNSF and Innosuisse – Swiss Innovation Agency
Funding of research projects
Research funding
Marie Heim-Vögtlin – Supports female doctoral students and postdocs in Switzerland
The database P3 contains data on research projects approved by the SNSF
Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF)
EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers
Fondation Hedwig Widmer (site in German but contact possible in French)
Grants and student loans
Foundation Indexes of University of Basel

Careers in the private sector

Career2 develops institutional and private professional networks aimed at facilitating the integration of the partner who is not pursuing an academic career. These networks are formed of associations, recruitment agencies and information desks in the regional and national employment area.

Each situation being unique, we advise you to contact Career2 to explain your background:

By e-mail info@Carriere2.ch

By phone 022 379 49 81

Useful links

ETH Application guide

Job portals

Job portals (in French only)
Employment Agencies, International Recruitment (French and German)
Jobup Online job centre
Vacant places in the Geneva administration (in French only)
Vacant places in the Lausanne administration ( in French only)

Social media

Groupe Dual Career Couples Unige sur Linkedin
Viadeo ( more used in the francophone area)
Xing ( more used in the German area)

Professional networks

International Dual Career Network (IDCN)
OWIT Lake of Geneva
Wish Foundation – Women in Science and Humanities
Swiss Women’s Association Feminism Research (French or German only)
Business and Professional Women
Swiss Association of University Women (French or German only)

Coaching, mentoring and guidance

Net expat
Spouse Career Centre: Employment and integration of expat couples
Job4U2.ch Employment and integration of expat couples
HereIgo Employment and integration of expat couples
Fondation PACTE : help with career transition for women (French only)
Association Découvrir : help for the career development of skilled migrant women (French only)
Futura 21 individual and group coaching for job-seeking managerial staff and executives (French only)
Eures (EURopean Employment Services) Cooperation network between the public-sector employment services of the European Union and the EFTA countries


Confortés par la nécessité d’attirer et de retenir dans les universités suisses, les meilleur-e-s scientifiques, les bureaux de l’égalité des universités de Suisse romande et du Tessin proposent informations et conseils aux conjoint-e-s des chercheur-e-s et professeur-e-s nouvellement engagé-e-s par elles.

Aims and actions

Aims of the Federal Equal Opportunities Programme for Dual Career Couples (DCC)

There are many couples where both members wish to pursue a career without giving up their private-life relationship. Based on this fact, the Federal Equal Opportunities Programme has the following two main aims:

=> Harmonious integration of researcher couples

The aim is to facilitate smooth integration of both members of dual career couples (DCC), so that these couples remain in Switzerland durably, in order to promote research excellence in Switzerland.

=> An increase in female representation in the academic sector

The programme encourages women researchers from the upcoming generation to continue their academic career. Researchers are more likely to accept a position of responsibility when they can be sure their partner will also find a job that meeting his or her expectations.

DCC offices in the universities

DCC (Dual Career Couples) offices have been set up by the Equal Opportunity Offices of the universities of French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland. They are managed locally (see list of contacts below). They provide information and advice to the partners of researchers and teaching staff recently hired in universities.

These offices were willing to have a regional project that would foster synergy between the different institutions and expand the range of opportunities offered to DCC couples. Regional coordination ensures that the actions carried out are consistent, handles the inter-university DCC requests, manages the communication and awareness-raising campaigns (conferences, seminars) to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of dual careers management.
The contact persons for each university are:

Aims and actions

The Career2 programme provides support to couples wishing to pursue a dual career in Switzerland. We use a personalized approach that allows you to get information about your professional integration prospects in Switzerland.

The Career2 programme aims to become a platform working to improve:

Procedure for getting in touch

If you are the partner of a teaching or academic staff member or a post-doctoral researcher appointed to one of the universities in French- or Italian-speaking Switzerland, you can contact Career2 info@carriere2.ch by e-mail.

Each partner university provides support for the pursuit or management of the partner’s career:

The contact persons for each university are

University Career² offices

The DCC (Dual Career Couples) offices are managed by the Equal Opportunities offices of the universities in French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland and provide information and advice to the partners of researchers and teaching staff recently hired by their university.

These offices wanted a regional project in order to foster synergy between the different institutions and to expand the range of opportunities offered to DCC couples. Regional coordination ensures that the actions carried out are consistent, handles the inter-university DCC requests, manages the communication and awareness-raising campaigns (conferences, seminars) to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of the problems raised by dual careers.

The contact persons in the following universities are:

Qualité de vie²

La Suisse est reconnue pour son dynamisme économique et sa qualité de vie (vie professionnelle, vacances, santé, situation financière, intégration sociale, offre culturelle, sécurité)

La population est principalement urbaine, avec un tiers de personnes vivant dans les cinq plus grandes villes (Zurich, Bâle, Genève, Berne et Lausanne), un autre tiers dans les sous régions urbaines et le dernier tiers dans les régions dites rurales.

Le niveau de vie est généralement élevé et la qualité des services bonne dans tous les secteurs.

Le rayonnement international scientifique de la Suisse offre à ses chercheurs et chercheuses des réseaux de partenaires performants dans le monde entier.

Liens utiles


Natacha Rault
Tél. +41 (0)22 379 49 81

Welcome Center
Boulevard de la Cluse 55
CH – 1205 Genève

Copyright © 2023 Bureaux de l’égalité des Hautes Ecoles de la Suisse latine (BULA)